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Applying for a new NeSI project



  • Assemble your project team.
  • Becoming familiar with the Linux command line. There are many courses and online materials available, such as Software Carpentry, to help you and your project team gain the necessary skills.
  • Become familiar with foundational HPC skills, for example by attending a NeSI introductory workshop, one of our weekly introductory sessions (or watching the recording), or having one or more of your project team members do so.
  • Review our allocation classes. If you don't think you currently qualify for any class other than Proposal Development, please Contact our Support Team as soon as possible to discuss your options. Your institution may be in a position to buy a subscription from us while your Proposal Development allocation is in effect if they do not already possess one.

Requests to use NeSI resources are submitted via a web form. The NeSI team will endeavour to approve your project, or contact you for more information, within 3-5 working days of your submitting your project request.


If you are a member of NIWA please also ensure that you have also read and followed the NIWA internal documentation for gaining access to the HPCs before applying for your NeSI project. You will only be able to access the link from behind the NIWA VPN. Other institutions may also put in place, or vary, pre-approval processes from time to time. If you apply for a new project without having completed any necessary pre-approval steps, your application may be delayed more than usual, or we may notify you and ask you to obtain pre-approval from your institution.

Information you will need to provide

During the application process, we will ask you for the following information:

  • Your name, institutional affiliation (i.e. your employer or place of study), role at your institution, a contact telephone number, and work email address
  • The title of your proposed NeSI HPC Project, and a brief abstract describing your project's goals
  • The scientific domain and field of study (i.e. subdomain) your project belongs to
  • The date on which you plan to start your computational work on NeSI (not the start date of the research programme as a whole, or of the research programme's current or expected funding)
  • Details of how your project is funded (this will help determine whether you are eligible for an allocation from our Merit class)
  • Your previous HPC experience
  • Whether you would like expert scientific programming support on your project
  • Who else will be working on the proposed NeSI HPC Project with you
  • What software you intend to use on the NeSI HPCs.

You will also be given an opportunity to tell us anything else you think is relevant.

What Next?

  • Your NeSI Project proposal will be reviewed, after which you will be informed of the outcome.
  • We may contact you if further details are required.
  • When your project is approved you will be able to set your Linux Password.