Contact Support

Making a Helpful Support Request

When you ask the support team for help, there are a few things we will almost always want to know, you can save us (and yourself) time by including this information in your support request.

General Troubleshooting

  • What command(s) you ran
  • The error message.
    • You may have to look in the slurm output. If you didn't explicitly set on, it will be in the directory you submitted from and look something like slurm-44240633.out
  • Environment (modules loaded, conda, venv, etc).
    • You can use the command module list to get a list of loaded modules.
    • env will give a complete print out of your environment (it will be long).
  • What things you have tried so far.

If your problem involves a SLURM job, please include:

  • The job ID
    • sacct will show a list of all your recently run jobs and their status.
  • The Slurm Script used.
    • Including cat $0 in your slurm script will print the script into your output. This is useful as you will always have the script recorded as it was when you submitted.
  • directory/pathway to files.
  • When you last had a job succeed (and slurm jobid if applicable) 

Further Reading