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Contact Support release notes v2.21.0

New and Improved

  • User notification preferences are now available under their own menu item called "My Preferences" under Accounts (Accounts > My Preferences). Previously, notification preferences were only available to view through the "My Profile" or "My HPC Account" menu items under Accounts.
  • On the Project page and New Allocation Request page, tool tip text referring to nn_corehour_usage will appear when you hover over the Mahuika Compute Units information.


  • When a New Allocation request form is started, if a project was previously inactive, the default start date proposed will be the current date.

  • The 'Request Account' button on our Register form is disabled until all mandatory fields are completed. If mandatory information is missing, an error message will appear to identify what's missing.

If you have any questions about any of the improvements or fixes, please Contact our Support Team.