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Software Installation Request

To request that we install a scientific application (either a new application, or a new version of an already installed application), please Contact our Support Team. In your message, please provide the following information:

  • What is the name and version number of the software you would like to be installed? If you wish to use a copy from a version control repository, what tag or release do you need? Please be aware that we usually require a stable release version of a piece of software before we will install it for all users.
  • Do you have a preference about which platform (Mahuika or Māui) we install it on?
  • Why would you like us to install this software package?
  • What is the web site or home web page of the package? If you don't know this information or the package doesn't have a web site, who is the author or lead developer? In some cases, there exist two or more packages with the same or very similar names. If we know the web site we can be sure that we are installing the same package that you are requesting.
  • How is the package installed? For example, compiled from source, precompiled binary, or installed as a Python, Perl, R, etc. library?
  • What dependencies, if any, does the package require? Please be aware that the exact dependency list may depend on the particular use cases you have in mind (like the ability to read and write a specific file format).
  • Have you (or another member of your project team) tried to install it yourself on a NeSI system? If so, were you successful?
  • If you or your institution doesn't own the copyright in the software, under what licence are you permitted to use it? Does that licence allow you to install and run it on a NeSI system? (Hint: Most free, open-source software licences will allow you to do this.)
  • Who else do you know of who wants to use that software on a NeSI system? Please provide their names, institutional affiliations, and NeSI project codes (if you know them).
  • What tests do you have that will allow us to verify that the software is performing correctly and at an acceptable speed?

Our team will review your request and will make a decision as to whether we will install the application and make it generally available.