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Upcoming webinar: Tips for making the most of Mahuika’s new Milan nodes

In late 2022, the Mahuika cluster was expanded to allow a wider range of research communities to adopt HPC approaches and build digital skills within their research teams.

Join us on Thursday 30 March for a short webinar sharing some practical tips and tricks for making the most of these new resources:

Making the most of Mahuika's new Milan nodes
Thursday 30 March

11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Click here to RSVP

Following a successful early access programme, Mahuika’s newest CPU nodes are now available for use by any projects that have a Mahuika allocation on NeSI's HPC Platform. The production launch of these new nodes is an exciting milestone in NeSI’s strategy to lower the carbon footprint and continually improve the performance and fit-for-purpose design of our platforms to meet your research needs.

What’s new

  • faster, more powerful computing, enabled by AMD 3rd Gen EPYC Milan architecture

  • specialised high-memory capabilities, allowing rapid simultaneous processing

  • improved energy efficiency - these nodes are 2.5 times more power efficient than Mahuika’s original Broadwell nodes

Come along to this webinar to learn more and to ask questions about how your research project can use these powerful resources.

About the speaker

Alexander Pletzer is a Research Software Engineer working for NeSI at NIWA. Alex helps researchers run better and faster on NeSI platforms.

More Information

If you're unable to join us for this session but have questions about the Milan nodes or would like more information, come along to one of our weekly Online Office Hours or email anytime.