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Why is my job taking a long time to start?

If you think your job is taking unexpectedly long to start running, there are several possible causes.

Scheduled maintenance

First, check our status page to look for scheduled maintenance periods. If your job would otherwise run on a cluster during maintenance work affecting that cluster, your job may be delayed until after the maintenance work is completed and the cluster returns to service, depending on the nature of the work to be done.

Delays in the queue

If your job is not supposed to be affected by a maintenance period, you can get more information by running this command:


This command will, for each of your queued jobs, produce an output looking something like this:

$ nn_my_queued_jobs 
nesi99999           12345678 SomeRandomJob        2019-01-01T12:00:00 collab    1    8         2G     1553        N/A          QOSMaxCpuPerJobLimit

One of the most useful columns to look at, far over on the right hand side, is the "Reason" column. This column tells you why the job is delayed. Common answers include "Priority", "Resources", "Dependency", "ReqNodeNotAvail", and others.

  • Priority means that the job just isn't in the front of the queue yet.
  • Resources means that there are not currently enough free resources to run the job.
  • Dependency means the job is in some way dependent on another, and the other job (the dependency) has not yet reached the required state.
  • ReqNodeNotAvail means that the job has requested some specific node that is busy working on other jobs, is out of service, or does not exist.

A more comprehensive list of job reason codes is available in the SLURM documentation (offsite). As noted on that page, if a job is waiting for execution for several reasons, only one reason will be displayed, and there is not a documented importance of reasons. For example, one job could say Priority and another could say Resources, when in fact both are waiting due to Priority and Resources at the same time.

Other high-priority jobs

You can check the job's priority relative to other waiting jobs by means of the following command on a Mahuika or Māui login node (as appropriate):


This command is intended to produce the same results as the native Slurm command sprio, but with jobs sorted in order of priority from highest to lowest.

The output should look something like this:

         793492 gpu             1553        504        1000         20         30
        2008465 long            1107        336         723         18         30
        2039471 long            1083        312         723         18         30
        2039456 long            1083        312         723         18         30
        2039452 long            1083        312         723         18         30
        2039435 long            1083        312         723         18         30
        2039399 long            1083        312         723         18         30
        2039391 long            1083        312         723         18         30
        2039376 long            1083        312         723         18         30
        2039371 long            1083        312         723         18         30

The important aspect of this list is not your job's numeric priority score, but rather its priority ranking compared to other jobs.

Low Fair Share score

If, compared to other jobs in the queue, your job's priority (third column) and fair share score (fifth column) are both low, this usually means that your project team has recently been using through CPU core hours faster than expected. See Fair Share -- How jobs get prioritised for more information on Fair Share, how you can check your project's fair share score, and what you can do about a low project fair share score.

Queue Congestion

In the unlikely scenario that your job's position in the list is low but your job's fair share score is high (i.e. nearly 1,000), you will just have to wait, as this scenario supposes that other jobs like yours are ahead in the queue because they have similar resource needs and similar (or even higher) Fair Share scores but have been waiting for even longer than your job. This condition is called queue congestion, and arises when researchers submit a lot of work at about the same time. Because it is triggered by aggregate researcher behaviour, there isn't much we can do about it.

Difficult Job

If your job's priority is high compared to other jobs but the job still won't start, make sure that your resource requests (in your Slurm script) are appropriate. If the nature of your work allows, you could try:

  • Being more flexible about where in the cluster CPU cores come from
  • Asking for less memory (RAM)
  • Asking for a shorter wall time

You can use the scontrol command to reduce the job's requested wall time limit, for example the following command will set the wall time limit of job 12345678 to one hour:

scontrol update jobid=12345678 TimeLimit=01:00:00

The scontrol update command does not print out any message to say that it has succeeded, so you can check its effect using scontrol show:

scontrol show job 12345678 | grep TimeLimit
   RunTime=00:00:00 TimeLimit=00:01:00 TimeMin=N/A

Note that you can not yourself use scontrol to increase a job's requested wall time.

You can not adjust the amount of memory (RAM) using scontrol, and altering the number of tasks, nodes or cores requested is unwise without making corresponding changes in the job submission script, and in some cases the program's input file as well. For this reason, if you wish to change the amount of memory (RAM) or the number or arrangement of cores, you should cancel your queued job using the scancel command and then resubmit it. If your project's fair share score is high, your newly submitted job should progress quickly through the queue.

Other problem

If your job priority is high, your resource requests are low and your job still won't start, please Contact our Support Team and we will look into the problem.