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Jupyter kernels - Manual management


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Jupyter kernels execute the code that you write. NeSI provides a number of Python and R kernels by default, which can be selected from the Launcher.

Many packages are preinstalled in our default Python and R environments and these can be extended further as described on the Python and R support pages.

Adding a custom Python kernel

see also

See the Jupyter kernels - Tool-assisted management page for the preferred way to register kernels, which uses the nesi-add-kernel command line tool to automate most of these manual steps.

You can configure custom Python kernels for running your Jupyter notebooks. This could be necessary and/or recommended in some situations, including:

  • if you wish to load a different combination of environment modules than those we load in our default kernels
  • if you would like to activate a virtual environment or conda environment before launching the kernel

The following example will create a custom kernel based on the Miniconda3 environment module (but applies to other environment modules too).

In a terminal run the following commands to load a Miniconda environment module:

module purge
module load Miniconda3

Now create a conda environment named "my-conda-env" using Python 3.6. The ipykernel Python package is required but you can change the names of the environment, version of Python and install other Python packages as required.

conda create --name my-conda-env python=3.11
source $(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/
conda activate my-conda-env
conda install ipykernel
# you can pip/conda install other packages here too

Now create a Jupyter kernel based on your new conda environment:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name my-conda-env --display-name="My Conda Env"

We must now edit the kernel to load the required NeSI environment modules before the kernel is launched. Change to the directory the kernelspec was installed to ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/my-conda-env, (assuming you kept --name my-conda-env in the above command):

cd ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/my-conda-env

Now create a wrapper script, called, with the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# load required modules here
module purge
module load Miniconda3

# activate conda environment
source $(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/ 
conda deactivate  # workaround for
conda activate my-conda-env

# run the kernel
exec python $@

Make the wrapper script executable:

chmod +x

Next edit the kernel.json to change the first element of the argv list to point to the wrapper script we just created. The file should look like this (change <username> to your NeSI username):

 "argv": [
 "display_name": "My Conda Env",
 "language": "python"

After refreshing JupyterLab your new kernel should show up in the Launcher as "My Conda Env".

Sharing a Python kernel with your project team members

You can also configure a shared Python kernel that others with access to the same NeSI project will be able to load. If this kernel is based on a Python virtual environment, Conda environment or similar, you must make sure it also exists in a shared location (other users cannot see your home directory).

The example below shows creating a shared Python kernel based on the Python/3.8.2-gimkl-2020a module and also loads the ETE/3.1.1-gimkl-2020a-Python-3.8.2 module.

In a terminal run the following commands to load the Python and ETE environment modules:

module purge
module load Python/3.8.2-gimkl-2020a
module load ETE/3.1.1-gimkl-2020a-Python-3.8.2

Now create a Jupyter kernel within your project directory, based on your new virtual environment:

python -m ipykernel install --prefix=/nesi/project/<project_code>/.jupyter --name shared-ete-env --display-name="Shared ETE Env"

Next change to the kernel directory, which for the above command would be:

cd /nesi/project/<project_code>/.jupyter/share/jupyter/kernels/shared-ete-env

Create a wrapper script,, with the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# load necessary modules here
module purge
module load Python/3.8.2-gimkl-2020a
module load ETE/3.1.1-gimkl-2020a-Python-3.8.2

# run the kernel
exec python $@

Note we also load the ETE module so that we can use that from our kernel.

Make the wrapper script executable:

chmod +x

Next, edit the kernel.json to change the first element of the argv list to point to the wrapper script we just created. The file should look like this (change <project_code> to your NeSI project code):

 "argv": [
 "display_name": "Shared Conda Env",
 "language": "python"

After refreshing JupyterLab your new kernel should show up in the Launcher as "Shared Virtual Env".

Custom kernel in a Singularity container

An example showing setting up a custom kernel running in a Singularity container can be found on our Lambda Stack support page.

Adding a custom R kernel

You can configure custom R kernels for running your Jupyter notebooks. The following example will create a custom kernel based on the R/3.6.2-gimkl-2020a environment module and will additionally load an MPFR environment module (e.g. if you wanted to load the Rmpfr package).

In a terminal run the following commands to load the required environment modules:

module purge
module load IRkernel/1.1.1-gimkl-2020a-R-3.6.2
module load Python/3.8.2-gimkl-2020a

The IRkernel module loads the R module as a dependency and provides the R kernel for Jupyter. Python is required to install the kernel (since Jupyter is written in Python).

Now create an R Jupyter kernel based on your new conda environment:

R -e "IRkernel::installspec(name='myrwithmpfr', displayname = 'R with MPFR', user = TRUE)"

We must now to edit the kernel to load the required NeSI environment modules when the kernel is launched. Change to the directory the kernelspec was installed to (~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/myrwithmpfr, assuming you kept --name myrwithmpfr in the above command):

cd ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/myrwithmpfr

Now create a wrapper script in that directory, called, with the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# load required modules here
module purge
module load MPFR/4.0.2-GCCcore-9.2.0
module load IRkernel/1.1.1-gimkl-2020a-R-3.6.2

# run the kernel
exec R $@

Make the wrapper script executable:

chmod +x

Next edit the kernel.json to change the first element of the argv list to point to the wrapper script we just created. The file should look something like this (change <username> to your NeSI username):

 "argv": [
 "display_name": "R with MPFR",
 "language": "R"

After refreshing JupyterLab your new R kernel should show up in the Launcher as "R with MPFR".