OpenFOAM is a free, open source CFD software package. OpenFOAM has an extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to solid dynamics and electromagnetics. OpenFOAM Homepage
Available Modules¶
module load OpenFOAM/v2212-gimkl-2022a-noParaview
OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation And Manipulation) is a open-source C++ toolbox maintained by the OpenFOAM foundation and ESI Group. Although primarily used for CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) OpenFOAM can be used in a wide range of fields from solid mechanics to chemistry.
The lack of licence limitations and native parallelisation makes OpenFOAM well suited for a HPC environment. OpenFOAM is an incredibly powerful tool, but does require a moderate degree of computer literacy to use effectively.
OpenFOAM can be loaded using;
module load OpenFOAM
source $FOAM_BASH
Example Script¶
#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --time 04:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name OF_16CORES
#SBATCH --output %x.output #set output to job name
#SBATCH --ntasks 16
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 512MB
#Working directory always needs to contain 'system', 'constant', and '0'
module load OpenFOAM/v2212-gimkl-2022a-noParaview
source ${FOAM_BASH}
decomposePar #Break domain into pieces for parallel execution.
srun simpleFoam -parallel
reconstructPar -latestTime #Collect
Many of the example scripts packaged with OpenFOAM include the following line;
cd ${0%/*} || exit
It will change the current working directory to the location of the script. This does not work from within a Slurm script and you will get an error similar to;
slurmstepd: error: couldn't chdir to `/var/spool/slurm/jobXXXX': No such file or directory
Filesystem Limitations¶
OpenFOAM generates a large number of files during run-time. In addition to the I/O load there is also the danger of using up available inodes.
Filesystems in excess of their allocation will cause any job trying to write there to crash.
There are a few ways to mitigate this
The nobackup directory has a significantly higher inode count and no disk space limits. -
ControlDict Settings
Using a high write interval reduce number of output files and I/O load.-
Consider carefully an appropriate time-step, use adjustTimeStep if suitable.purgeWrite
Not applicable for many jobs, this keeps only the last n steps, e.g. purgeWrite 5 will keep the last 5 time-steps, with the directories being constantly overwritten.runTimeModifiable
When true, dictionaries will be re-read at the start of every time step. Setting this to false will decrease I/O load.writeFormat
Setting this to binary as opposed to ascii will decrease disk use and I/O load.
Monitor Filesystem
The commandnn_storage_quota
should be used to track filesystem usage. There is a delay between making changes to a filesystem and seeing it onnn_storage_quota
.Filesystem Available Used Use% Inodes IUsed IUse% home_cwal219 20G 1.957G 9.79% 92160 21052 22.84% project_nesi99999 2T 798G 38.96% 100000 66951 66.95% nobackup_nesi99999 6.833T 10000000 2691383 26.91%
Contact Support
If you are following the recommendations here yet are still concerned about indoes, open a support ticket and we can raise the limit for you.
Environment Variables¶
You may find it useful to use environment variables in your dictionaries e.g.
numberOfSubdomains ${SLURM_NTASKS};
Or create your variables to be set in your Slurm script.
startFrom ${START_TIME};
This is essential when running parameter sweeps.
You can also directly edit your dictionaries with sed
, e.g
sed -i "s/\(numberOfSubdomains \)[[:digit:]]*\(;\)/\1 $NSUBDOMAINS\2/g" system/controlDict
Recommended Resources¶
Generally, using 16 or less tasks will keep your job reasonably efficient. However this is highly dependant on the type of simulation and how the model was decomposed.
Adding custom solvers¶
Rather than installing custom solvers centrally, we encourage users to install under their user or project.
Generally your custom solver will be stored in a git repo. Make sure you have the same version as the OpenFOAM you plan to use, this may require changing branch.
Open the 'releases' tab, right click on the '.tar' or '.zip' of the
version you want and select 'copy link address', then paste that link
into your terminal after wget
. For example:
can also be used to fetch files from other sources.
Repo Only¶
Use the command git clone <path to repo>.git
For example:
git clone
If your source is a .zip file use the command unzip <filename>
if it
is a .tar.gz
use the command tar -xvzf <filename>
From here steps will vary, it is best to check the
of the package
you are installing.
is an OpenFOAM tool used to compile code, based on make
For a more comprehensive description of the use of wmake
see Compiling Applications.
A library/application named 'newApp' would have the structure.
To build `newApp` one would run:
module load OpenFOAM
source $FOAM_BASH
However, most applications will involve building multiple libraries and
solvers, and will generally come with a shell script (.sh
) that saves
the user having to compile each item manually.
Some apps will try to place the new libraries in $FOAM_LIBBIN
objects in $FOAM_APPBIN
, this will cause the build to fail as you will
not have permission to write there. Make sure the Make/options
specifies variables $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN
User compiled libraries are kept in $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN
, by default this
is set
to ~/$USER/OpenFOAM/$USER-<version>/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib
User compiled objects are kept in $FOAM_USER_APPBIN
, by default this
is set
to ~/$USER/OpenFOAM/$USER-<version>/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin
You will need to change these locations if you want the rest of your project members to have access.
For example
module load OpenFOAM
source $FOAM_BASH
export FOAM_USER_LIBBIN=/nesi/project/nesi99999/custom_OF/lib
export FOAM_USER_APPBIN=/nesi/project/nesi99999/custom_OF/bin
These variables need to be set to the same chosen paths before compiling and before running the solvers.
Make sure to export
your custom paths before source $FOAM_BASH
else they will be reset to default.