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OpenSees is a software framework for developing applications to simulate the performance of structural and geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes. OpenSees Homepage

Available Modules

module load OpenSees/20220411-gimkl-2020a

There are three commands with which a OpenSees job can be launched.

  • OpenSees: For running a job in serial (single CPU).
  • OpenSeesSP: Intended for the single analysis of very large models.
  • OpenSeesMP: For advanced parametric studies.

More info can be found about running OpenSees in parallel here.

Single process with a single thread. Usually submitted as part of an array, as in the case of parameter sweeps.

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name      OpenSees-Serial
#SBATCH --time          00:05:00          # Walltime</span></span>
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1                 # Double if hyperthreading enabled.
#SBATCH --mem           512MB             # total mem
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread     # Hyperthreading disabled

module load OpenSees/20220411-gimkl-2020a
OpenSees "frame.tcl"

Input from Shell

Information can be passed from the bash shell to a Tcl script by use of environment variables.

Set in Slurm script:

export MY_VARIABLE="Hello World!"

Retrieved in Tcl script:

puts $::env(MY_VARIABLE)