TensorFlow on CPUs
An open-source software library for Machine Intelligence TensorFlow Homepage
Available Modules¶
module load TensorFlow/2.13.0-gimkl-2022a-Python-3.11.3
TensorFlow is a popular software library for machine learning applications, see our TensorFlow article for further information. It is often used with GPUs, as runtimes of the computationally demanding training and inference steps are often shorter compared to multicore CPUs. However, running TensorFlow on CPUs can nonetheless be attractive for projects where:
- Runtime is dominated by IO, so that computational performance of GPUs does not provide much advantage with respect to overall runtime and core-hour charges
- The workflow can benefit from parallel execution on many nodes with large aggregated IO bandwidth (e.g., running an inference task on a very large dataset, or training a large ensemble of models)
Tests with a machine learning application based on the Inception v3 network for image classification using a Nvidia P100 GPU and 18 Intel Broadwell cores on Mahuika (1/2 node) resulted in the following GPU-vs-CPU speedups (based on full task runtimes including IO):
- 4x for training
- 2.6x for inference
Keep in mind that these numbers will depend strongly on the application - they are only intended as an example.
Choosing the right Python package¶
It is very important to choose the right TensorFlow package for optimal performance. Intel provide optimised TensorFlow packages with Intel oneDNN (previously called MKL-DNN) support for the conda package manager. It is not recommended to build your own package, unless you need a specific feature - if you do need to build TensorFlow yourself, make sure that you include oneDNN.
All TensorFlow modules on Mahuika are GPU-optimised releases. To install a CPU-optimised TensorFlow release on Mahuika, run
module load Miniconda3
conda create -p /nesi/project/<project ID>/conda_envs/tf_cpu tensorflow-mkl
source activate /nesi/project/<project ID>/conda_envs/tf_cpu
To install TensorFlow on Māui Ancil, run
module load Anaconda3
conda create -p /nesi/project/<project ID>/conda_envs/tf_cpu tensorflow-mkl
source activate /nesi/project/<project ID>/conda_envs/tf_cpu
Conda will create a new environment in your project directory with an optimised CPU version of TensorFlow. You can choose a specific version as well using the syntax "tensorflow-mkl==x.y.z".
When the installation is complete, import TensorFlow in Python as usual,
python -c "import tensorflow"
Important: It is safe to ignore warning messages of the kind "The TensorFlow library was not compiled to use [...] instructions [...]" at runtime - Intel oneMKL will automatically use optimal processor capabilities.
Setting up Slurm on Mahuika¶
Runtime environment setup has a significant influence on performance. The following Slurm script should work well as a starting point for a TensorFlow job on a single Mahuika node:
#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name=tensorflow
#SBATCH --account=<your NeSI account ID>
#SBATCH --time=<overall runtime estimate>
#SBATCH --mem=<overall memory consumption>
#SBATCH --partition=long
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=<number of threads>
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread # No hyperthreading
# Allow threads to transition quickly
# Bind threads to cores
export KMP_AFFINITY=granularity=fine,compact,0,0
module load Miniconda3
source activate /nesi/project/<project ID>/conda_envs/tf_cpu
srun python my_tensorflow_program.py
If you are unsure about setting up the memory and runtime parameters, have a look at our article Ascertaining job dimensions. Please also read the section on operator parallelisation below before you choose a number of CPUs.
Environment variables "KMP_BLOCKTIME" and "KMP_AFFINITY" configure threading behaviour of the Intel oneDNN library. While these settings should work well for a lot of applications, it is worth trying out different setups (e.g., longer blocktimes) and compare runtimes. Please see our article on Thread Placement and Thread Affinity as well as this Intel article for further information and tips for improving peformance on CPUs.
Setting up operator parallelisation in TensorFlow 1.x¶
TensorFlow has the ability to execute a given operator using multiple threads ("intra-operator parallelisation"), as well as different operators in parallel ("inter-operator parallelisation"). Although TensorFlow will try and guess values for these parameters, it can be worth setting them up explicitly to maximise performance. Note that these instructions are only valid for TensorFlow 1.x.
Insert the following code at the beginning of your program:
import os
# Get number of threads from Slurm
numThreads = int(os.getenv('SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK',1))
# Set number of threads for inter-operator parallelism,
# start with a single thread
numInterOpThreads = 1
# The total number of threads must be an integer multiple
# of numInterOpThreads to make sure that all cores are used
assert numThreads % numInterOpThreads == 0
# Compute the number of intra-operator threads; the number
# of OpenMP threads for low-level libraries must be set to
# the same value for optimal performance
numIntraOpThreads = numThreads // numInterOpThreads
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(numIntraOpThreads)
# Import TensorFlow after setting OMP_NUM_THREADS to make sure
# that low-level libraries are initialised correctly
import tensorflow as tf
# Configure TensorFlow
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.inter_op_parallelism_threads = numInterOpThreads
config.intra_op_parallelism_threads = numIntraOpThreads
It depends on your application how beneficial each operator parallelisation strategy is, so it is worth testing different configurations.