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Personal Globus Endpoint Configuration

Using Globus to transfer and share files from/to a personal computer

Install Globus Connect Personal on your workstation/laptop

See the Globus how to page on how to install a personal Globus endpoint on your computer (OS-specific instructions).

Once your personal endpoint is created and you have activated it, check Globus's Endpoints administered by you to see whether your endpoint shows up as active.


Personal Endpoint file-transfer and sharing

If you need to share files from your personal computer or move files between two personal computers, you need to be part of a subscription with Globus Plus enabled.

Globus Plus is a part of NeSI's Globus subscription. To join Globus Plus, you must become a member of the Globus sponsor group New Zealand eScience Infrastructure.

Check if your account already has this membership by viewing the Globus Plus tab under your Account:


If you do not see an entry for New Zealand eScience Infrastructure on this page, then:

  1. Click the "Add Globus Plus Sponsor" link.
  2. Select "New Zealand eScience Infrastructure" from the list of potential sponsors.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Once you have completed the process, your request to join the group will be sent to us for approval. You'll get confirmation when your application has been accepted. If you haven't received a confirmation within five business days after you asked to add NeSI as a sponsor, please Contact our Support Team.