Contact Support

What is a Subscription?

NeSI has a range of options for research institutions and independent researchers to access our services to build your research capabilities.

Subscribing to NeSI's services provides you with:

  • Managed entitlements on NeSI's HPC platform for your research projects and programmes. This includes access to:

  • high-capacity CPUs, GPUs and high memory nodes

  • interactive computing via Jupyter Notebooks, containers, and virtual lab environments

  • an extensive pre-built software library

  • data storage for compute, from the highest performance storage on NeSI's HPC platform or via NeSI's long-term storage Nearline Service

  • Personalised support to assist your researchers across the breadth of their NeSI experience, from applying for projects/allocations, to getting their projects running on the platform, to general troubleshooting or experimenting with new tools or techniques

  • Secure, reliable, and fast data transfer to/from NeSI’s HPC Platform as well as to/from other Globus endpoints across New Zealand and internationally.

  • Dedicated scientific and HPC-focused computational and data science support.

  • Advice and partnership on capability-building initiatives for research communities or collaboration on advanced research computing strategies.

If you have any questions about anything mentioned on this page, don’t hesitate to get in touch.