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National Data Transfer Platform

The National Data Transfer Platform uses Globus, a third-party service for transferring large amounts of data between Globus Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs). New Zealand DTNs facilitate the transfer of data to and from institutional storage. This service allows data to be accessible to any person who has a Globus account.

Endpoint Name Description Recommended Use Apply for Use Contact
NeSI Wellington DTN V5 NeSI Globus Endpoint Version 5, located at NIWA Wellington (Greta Point) Transferring files to/from Māui/mahuika, and file-sharing. [Conditions]( Contact our Support Team
University of Otago – HCS Endpoint for the High Capacity Research Storage Cluster, Dunedin Campus, University of Otago and Endpoint for the High Capacity Research Storage Cluster, Christchurch Campus, University of Otago Primary endpoint for Otago Dunedin; uses local service accounts or globus sharing. Access Form
University of Otago – CHC HCS
University of Auckland Research Data Collection Endpoint provides access to UoA research data. Transferring files between UoA research drives and Māui/mahuika Apply by email
AgResearch DTN01 A Globus endpoint attached to AgResearch’s institutional Linux storage platform Sharing large datasets with external collaborators and moving large datasets between NeSI’s facility and AgResearch’s internal storage platform Apply by email
PFR Globus Connect Server Endpoint provides access to Plant Food Research data Generally for internal users, but also for sharing large datasets with collaborators Contact the Plant and Food person you are wanting to share data with.
MWLR PN-DTN-username Customised endpoints for users to transfer data between MWLR and NeSI, or to share data with third-party collaborators Generally for internal users, but also for sharing large datasets with collaborators Contact the MWLR person you are wanting to share data with.
Scion Data Endpoint provides access to Scion research data Sharing large datasets with external collaborators and moving large datasets between NeSI’s facility and Scion’s internal storage platform Contact the Scion person you are wanting to share data with.
ESR Endpoint Endpoint provides access to ESR data Generally for internal users, but also for sharing large datasets with collaborators Contact the ESR person you are wanting to share data with.
NeSI Wellington DTN Old NeSI Globus Endpoint, being decommissioned 2021-12-08 Transferring files to/from Māui/mahuika, and file-sharing. [Conditions](./

How to establish a new node

Contact our Support Team for details on how to join the national data transfer platform.